
Solisia's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Sol!! Always a beautiful time with Melissa Reyes and the shining Solisia!

It was a dinosaur themed party and it's truly amazing how much Sol loves and knows these reptile creatures!! RAWRR

 Victoria and I could not stop making these huge bubbles! Thanks to Thomas for the idea and recipe :)


The Inconvenience Store

The pilot is finally finished to the webisode series "The Inconvenience Store"

Shot this a few months ago and it's now up on the world wide web. Tons of great laughs on set, hard work, and now here to share all the goodness with you!

The series is based on 3 unusual ladies who work at an "in-convenience" store.

P.S: They are currently hiring :0 !



Sunday Fun & Zandra Rhodes

Spent a Geo Caching adventure sunday with Daniel Pena & Gabriel Placensia. First gobbled down some discounted tamales at the farmers market, then proceeded to find some caches. First two were a fail, but since It was my first time I was determined.

We found a nice simple one inside an old phone booth. I wanted more! Took a drive down to Balboa park and met up with Valentina Deneken.

This one took forever!! And the Geo Master Gabe found it!
Happy and Satisfied at last :D

 The next day, Sean Maristela and I went for a nice hike through the Bonita lakes (which I've never been to) and Mission Hills Trail. Felt very connected to Earth and Sean!

On Wednesday, David Corrales invited me to help out on a charity shoot for the New Children's Museum, hosted by Zandra Rhodes!

It was really nice to chat with her after seeing the amazing exhibit at the Mingei Museum located in Balboa Park. Shes a wild one!


Self Realization Center

Lovely Friday afternoon with my brother Rio and lover Victoria. I also took my parrot Pesto out for the first time! It was so much fun, he definitely enjoyed all the attention although he did want to get off my fingers and play ;) His wings aren't clipped so might've taken a nice flight away!

I've heard there is an energy vortex located in the gardens. I can feel the peace here. It is a must visit if you enjoy a quiet space to meditate, or observe your surroundings.

Thank you Swami for finding and founding this area!


My new camera

My beloved Mamiya 7. Truthfully speaking, It's been really hard for me to enjoy shooting medium format. The typical mf form factor was not suited for my style of shooting. Finally after a year of desire and trial/error, I have my M7. It's also my first rangefinder, and focusing is definitely a new skill to practice. Many of the shots missed the focus, oh well. The journey begins now :)


Paso Picacho

Right before the fourth we headed east of San Diego to Descanso, Paso Picacho specifically. The first campground, Green Valley Falls, has this wonderful section of spring water pools. Ice cold baby, ICE COLD! Of course we had to jump the small cliff ;)
 Lime-a-rita's quenched our thirsts.

A simple 5 minute drive up north was our campground, Picacho. After setting up our tents we went for an exploration to view the sunset. Pwetty Views.

I LOVE CAMPING FOOD! Highlight our of trip. And the mountain lion/bobcat growl during the next morning hike. Our night filled with smores and full moon beauty was not captured on film. The best moments in life are never captured. Only lived.

The end of this post has three shots of our view from the highest point of the mountain. Cosmos-style.

-= Galactic Love =-